House Plans with Rear Entry Garage
Rear entry garage house plans enhance curb appeal by concealing large garage doors. They also provide the ideal garage placement for narrow lots or lots with alley access. The increasing need for narrow house designs has provided us a reason to utilize creative design solutions for our floor plans. Without compromising quality design, Donald Gardner Architects has several house plans that utilize a rear entry garage. These are perfect for those with narrow lots or in Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) communities.The increasing need for narrow house designs has provided us a reason to utilize creative design solutions for our floor plans. Without compromising quality design, Donald Gardner Architects has several house plans that utilize a rear entry garage. These are perfect for those with narrow lots or in Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) communities. With rear entry garage house plans, you can maximize your space to achieve a very narrow design.
In addition to rear entry garage house plans, we also have an increasing request for rear, side entry garage plans. These house plans are good for those building on a corner lot.
Of course, sometimes you will fall in love with a house plan that does not have the garage location you need. Our modification department can customize our floor plans to your exact specifications so the home you end up with is perfect for your needs. Modifying a home plan is easy and convenient with our architectural team that has more than 35 years of combined experience to guide you through the entire process.